Nowadays, product packaging and goods for transport and sale generate huge amounts of waste that contaminate our planet. Some companies, aware of the problem, have chosen to pack their products with a less harmful material to the environment. However, there are still many items packed with non-eco-friendly materials, such as plastic or paper (although paper is a natural material, its production requires the felling of trees).
Fortunately, the concern for the environment protection is growing, environmental awareness is becoming more palpable and that can be seen in the field of packaging. The increasing demand from companies for ecological, recyclable, biodegradable and non contaminated packaging, is a proof.
In addition, eco-friendly packaging give added value to the company, distinctiveness and brand image to potential customers. The company image is enhanced by expressing the idea of commitment to the environment.
Thinking about a future that is already the present at DEYUTE, we want to show all the advantages of jute for our planet.
More than 20 years supporting our planet.