At DEYUTE we support people who want to go green.
Here are some tips:
1 Use energy-saving light bulbs.
2 Recycle waste products.
3 Switch the lights off before you leave a room.
4 Unplug appliances and other electrical devices. Do not leave appliances on standby.
5 Take advantage of the natural sunlight.
6 Choose eco-friendly domestic appliances.
7 Use as much as possible public transport.
8 Take the stairs instead of the lift.
9 Be sure to adjust correctly the air conditioning and heating.
10 Use the washing machine or dishwasher only in cold water and when they are full.
11 Unplug your mobile charger when you're not using it.
12 Share your car with other passengers who are going to the same destination or in the same direction.
13 Use a tumble dryer only when absolutely necessary.
14 Select double glazing for your home, it is excellent thermal insulation.
15 Turn off your tap.
16 Take a shower instead of a bath to save water and energy.
17 Walk or ride a bicycle for short trips.
18 Save paper by printing only what you need and on both sides of the page.
19 Buy recycled materials.
20 And, of course, always use ecological, reusable and biodegradable bags.
These are just some actions we can do to go green. A small gesture for our planet.