How to get rid of burlap smell?


Three ways to remove smell from burlap.

If unpleasant odors are slight, simply aerate your burlap outside and extend your fabric in the shadow area for a few hours. It is important to protect your hessian from the sun and the rain, they could discolour and damage the fiber.


If the smell persists ... here's another alternative:

Lay your jute canvas fabric on a flat surface, sprinkle the entire burlap with sodium bicarbonate. If it’s a packaging, disperse the bicarbonate inside it.

Let it stand for 2 to 4 days. Then shake your fibre to remove properly the bicarbonate.

If odors have not dissipated sufficiently, you can opt for this alternative method: 

Dunk the cloth or jute packaging in a vinegar based solution for two to three minutes, four measure of cold water and one measure of a white vinegar.

Be sure to dilute the vinegar as its acidity could damage the fabric.

Rinse your burlap thoroughly with cold water under the tap.

Let dry the hessian to fresh air between two clean, dry towels before handling it again.

Important: Do not combine this method with the previous method, the chemical reaction of the mixture of bicarbonate and and vinegar may damage the fiber.