Welcome to Deyute News Section [pag. 10]



Europe wants to get rid of plastic bags

  • 21/10/2011

The European Commission announced its intention to forbid the disposable bags. France has strongly reduced its consumption. Le Parisien 19.05.2011 Could the European Union decide to forbid plastic bags, or introduce a tax on these pouches, tubes and sleeves, that are resisting and the vast majority end up in the sea? (...)

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Decomposition of our waste

  • 27/09/2011

The main reason for the environmental damage that affects our world today comes from our consumption behavior. A consumption that goes beyond to satisfy our basic needs like eating and drinking. This excessive consumption provokes a disproportionate amount of waste that leads to negative impact on the environment. If we (...)

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A picture is worth a thousand words, act!

  • 22/09/2011

Climate change is already here. Its progress depends on us. It is time to act to stop (...)

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Objectives of our eco-bags

  • 13/09/2011

Tired of false advertising that leads us to think that today all bags are eco- friendly. Of seeing supermarkets exploiting "green bags" sales based on laws "requiring" some environmental responsibility. Of seeing how end-users get duped by a false image.   All those reasons have led us to look for objectives which we (...)

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Jute: a material able to withstand the onslaught of hurricanes

  • 07/09/2011

When a hurricane hits a coastal area in a poor country, the buildings of this place fall dawn like a house of cards. Engineers of the University of Alabama at Birmingham are making investigations to build up a cost-effective structure material that can resist the onslaught of hurricanes or (...)

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